
het liep anders

het werd een weekend vol werkwoorden
van samen en zoveel mogelijk buiten

werken in de tuin
praten met elkaar en met Oudste
wandelen in het bos, leegmaken van mijn hoofd en
kwijtraken van frustraties en boosheid
plukken van bloemen, lezen en breien (wat ook hielp)
nog meer werken in de tuin
zelfs zeilen met TREES!
en eindigen met een glimlach

en KIJK!
mijn brief is aangekomen

it went differently

it was a weekend full of verbs
of together and as much as possible outside

working in the garden
talking with each other and with Oldest
walking in the woods, emptying my head and
get rid of frustrations and anger
picking flowers, reading and knitting (which also helped)
more working the garden
even sailing with TREES!
and end with a smile

and LOOK!
my letter arrived

10 opmerkingen:

  1. now.
    isn't that the best?
    and it does sound good,
    all that you did.

    so happy for you.

  2. when it ends with a smile it must have been nice after all

    i love this time of the year, still the last summer colors, mingling slowly with the reds, browns and oranges of autumn in a beautiful softer septemberlight, x

  3. thanks for coming to see me. so looking forward
    to do this swap thing.

  4. my weekend was about working through such issues, also...
    i adore those fuzzy capped acorns!
    hope your week is a happy one
    xo, j

  5. Knitting - perfect for soothing the mind.
    I can not decide on a pattern!
    I also adore the "fuzzy capped acorns".
    Have a great week friend!

  6. being in nature can help and cure...
    I love your pictures!
    and your letter is fantastic!
    :-) mano

  7. ah, it sounds wonderful
    and your beautiful letter...swoon!

    k x

  8. dear freundin,
    seems like the best that could have happen!!
    (ähem, my grammar...)
    talking, walking, picking flowers,
    that's pure happiness...
    and the beautiful letter!!!!

    big x/julia

  9. love the content of your letter
    and the fact that those days out helped

    lots of love dear Patrice : )

  10. lieve patrice,
    breien is goed, en doet goed, vind ik ook.
    prachtige brief!

    liefs en knuffels


