
drawing challenge: NEW THEME!

my friendly companion in the evening and night
i am always happy when i see her
and the influence she has on humans and earth
makes her a fine subject, i think, for 
the next drawing challenge of March 9th:
the moon

so, will you join?

how it works: 
a host picks a theme
bloggers who want to join leave a comment saying they are in
the following saturday the drawings are shown on the blogs 
and the host links to all the participants 
a new host is presented for the following week

*  *  *  *
m'n vriendelijke compagnon in de avond en nacht
ik word altijd blij als ik haar zie
en de invloed die ze heeft op de mens
maakt van haar, denk ik, een fijn onderwerp voor
de drawing challenge van 9 maart:
de maan

20 opmerkingen:

  1. I will join the moon challenge, Patrice. Thanks for hosting. -sus

  2. oh, friendly companion, indeedo...
    i must have come back at the very right moon, erm, instant.
    moon is beautiful already, patrice!
    i'll have to cruise 'round something specific, for i'm also out, and about, next weekend, but somehow this challenge theme suits me.
    i'm, quite simply, in.

  3. me too Patrice, always happy when i see her, so i'm in please, x

  4. oh this is a great theme!
    I am in, please.
    x Stefanie

  5. count me in in in!!
    my moon my man from feist on my mind...
    love+hugs julia

  6. ja, blijheid die maan!
    maar soms lastig met slapen, toch?


  7. a wonderful theme. please count me in, dear patrice! :)) mano

  8. Please add me IN thank you Patrice. What a great theme. See you on the weekend! *smiles* Norma, x

  9. Me too!! though I'll be posting late as I'm away again this weekend...but how could I say no to the moon!

  10. Hello! I'd like to join in as well (my first time!). Thanks so much - Jen Conway (Norma's daughter in Canada)

  11. Dear Patrice,
    please count me in, moon sister :))
    Your moon here reminds me on my potplate by Elisabeth Dunker/fine little day

    Do you recognize that you have drawn Nadine and Julia from the woodwork?!

    And... Thank you for your 'how it works'... you have found the right words, Hon.

    xo Ariane.

  12. Patrice, This is quite a powerful theme! I would love to journey to the Moon with you all. I too will have a later post (Sunday). Thank you for hosting, too.

  13. Ik las net een notitie van Delacroix (dagboek 14 febr. 1850).

    Kijkt een minnaar naar de maan wanneer hij zijn geliefde in zijn armen houdt...? Zou kunnen, wanneer ze hem begint te vervelen.

    (Het stukje gaat over de absolute onechtheid - volgens D. - in het werk van Schubert, Lamartine, Chateaubriand...)

  14. Dear Patrice, thanks for telling me - yes please count me in! Very interesting theme!

  15. Hoi Patrice, ik doe graag mee! count me in;-)))

  16. I would love to join in!
    Thank you,

  17. Why yes, Patrice, thanks for the invite. I'll join the fun!
    xo Carole

  18. Yes please, fantastic subject!

  19. Hello Patrice, I saw your anouncement on Celine's blog and I would love to join, if that's OK. The theme is so inspiring :-)

    greetings from Nelleke


