
drawing challenge 184: RHYTHM

the theme of this week is chosen by Veronica
please visit her blog for the link to the other participants

i haven't found mine yet
after re-starting teaching in August
i am still looking....
i can feel the rhythm of my heartbeat
which sometimes skips when i lie awake
pondering about the day to come
i see the rhythm of the seasons
in the bulbs outside and in
the rhythm of the days and nights
white and black
life and death

that beautiful blue moon is hanging on my wall
and the circles come from the book by Inez van Oord

my life a circle
with it's own rhythm

7 opmerkingen:

  1. lovely ponderings on rhythm
    and beautiful images

  2. Finding a rhythm after so many changes takes time. It will come. xo

  3. it ain't easy to find that rhythm that totally suits you, when you feel you're losing out (in time, e.g.). i hear you. i have hope, for my hectic weeks are to calm down into my most favoured 20 hours a week again... yes, please. and thank you. n♥

  4. That's wonderful Patrice. The circles have such a powerful rhythm, as does the moon and the growing bulbs. This all feels so much like you. Over the couple of years that I've got to know you, I appreciate every image you share, and each lets me get to know you a bit better. :D

  5. life a circle with a spirale inside...
    lovely post!
    x Stefanie

  6. Beautiful thoughts and pictures, that bring it all together, Patrice. I'm looking for rhythm, too, feel my life's not perfectly round like a circle right now. But hey, this is part of the rhythm (and of a circle), too: ups and downs. :-)


