
drawing challenge 100: DANCE

movement combined with music
a nonverbal communication
or an emotional expression
a social interaction
dance used to express ideas
or tell a story
this is mine
based on 'The Dance' of Henri Matisse
a postcard i received in 1983
and an etching i once made
a dance
by myself and with others
a dancing circle of friends
from around the world

Jazzy Jasmin, Céline, Ariane, Norma, Carole, Renilde,
Sara (maybe), Tania, Sue, Emily, Joanne, Susan,
Barbara, Cindi, Ritva (maybe!), Nadine, Stefanie
Petra (maybe), Kim, Kristen, Milady Stephanie
Julia, Helen ,happy panda Rachel
and Mano!

beweging gecombineerd met muziek
een non-verbale communicatie
of een emotionele expressie
een sociale interactie
dans kan ideeën laten zien
of een verhaal vertellen
dit is mijn verhaal
uitgaande van 'The Dance' van Henri Matisse
een kaart die ik kreeg in 1983
en een ets die ik eens maakte
een dans
alleen en met anderen
een dansende cirkel van vrienden
uit de hele wereld  


32 opmerkingen:

  1. dans het weekend schoon in en uit, Patrice
    en dan de week, de maand, het jaar...

    mooi en ik laat je met mijn gevoel me een plaatsje in die kring te willen wringen

  2. such lovely silhouettes
    and your etching!
    happy weekend xo

  3. Dear Patrice, I like your Matisse interpretation, with hints of tribal art or underwater world floating corals or octopusarms or whatever and the one who looks as if he had scored the decisive goal in a foot play (probably the dutch team winning against germany like always ;) )
    Very unique, playfull and very well done!
    xo Barbara

  4. wauw,
    je doet het weer,
    altijd magisch mooi!

  5. Anoniem27.4.13

    He bolle, ziet er leuk en gaaf uit. Beetje lang okselhaar bij die meiden, maar het danst wel lekker. Je bent weer druk zie ik.

  6. Your elegant and energetic dancers take the stage one by one, making a stunning and dramatic presentation - just like the ballet.
    Happy 100th, Patrice - such a privilege to be part of this company of international art friends.

  7. wow, love it! especially that there is at first one dancer and the others join....so beautiful!

  8. spectacular Patrice! I love the look of that first dancer by herself. It is so beautiful... when I looked at the image where the second dancer joined in I was again so delighted and that delight went on and on as I continued through the images. Beautifully done. Thanks for the inspiration.

  9. Matisse would love this, Patrice! I love the progression of movement from one dancer with the next. Truly stunning.
    Thanks for this 100th challenge. It's such a joy to be part of this artistic group. xo Carole

  10. dear Patrice, just wonderful
    almost contagious
    this black energy!


  11. Oh Patrice I love this so much its really a wonderful way to realise the theme. I have posted mine I was a bit rusty but it was so much fun who cares?

    nice to be back now Im off to check out the others

    Helen x

  12. your interpretation of our wonderful festive number couldn't have been more stunning, to-the-point, exact, mysterious, playful, whimsical, delicate and powerful. in all, it couldn't have been more YOU.
    it really also does make me feel special, these treats we offer one another. cheers!
    ps - not long now... ;)))

  13. I think this is my favorite so far--so striking and exuberant! Cindi

  14. Srolling through your post made me feel like watching a dance show! Only one dancer first, beautiful for itself, then came the others, one by one, which surprised and amazed me! Energetic and reveling final! Powerful presentation! Great!

  15. Love, how they come together.
    Wonderful post for this great theme.

  16. This is a fabulous post for DANCE. "Eat your heart out" Matisse!

  17. Dear Patrice, It's a beautiful work! full of energy and movement...Love it!!
    and congratulation on the 100 drawing challenge!

  18. this is a wonderful piece
    i loved seeing each photo with another dancer added making it come to life.

  19. Happy 100th! what a fun celebration- old and new in movement- and so elegant and simple- how I yearn for those qualities :) and you make it look so easy Patrice!
    Thank you for such a perfect theme!!

  20. happy 100th! what a beautiful dance!
    dance is my favorite of all, especially butoh, you know that.
    my relatives thought i would become a dancer, because i danced so much when i was a child.
    i still do, when i´m happy. :)
    sometimes during the night, all alone.
    it makes me whole.

    i´m in the middle of some kind of a dance just now, i´m sorry i didn´t make it.
    too much unfinished things.
    but you have been on my mind all the time :)
    even on a bus i saw dry leaves dancing in the wind, i thought i should take a photo or passing a small river, it looked like a dance as well...

    with love,
    and a lot of dancing,

  21. Patrice, I am in! I am dancing!
    This is a great theme and so appropriate for this most monumental
    Love from California.

  22. wow!! very powerful dear Patrice,they take me with them swirling, turning,jumping, stretching, i love how the circle grows, the shadows give your work even more movement,
    you made us dance, thank you so much xx
    i hope and wish today was a happy day, hugs.

  23. Dearest Patrice,
    ohhh... wonderful movement here, what a dance! My emotion is agog while I scroll from your beautiful figure to figure.
    You have come full circle. On many levels, Dear!

    Thank you for that great theme and beeing our attentive host, my friend.

    xo Ariane.

  24. Patrice, thank you for hosting this special 100 mark anniversary of the drawing challenge group. The theme was so much fun and I'm still going back to see what folk contributed to it. Your black and white colour combination is stark, strong, gripping and interesting. This is a beautiful composition. Love it to bits. Dancing and dancing...Norma, x

  25. Oh great! It´s great to follow your pictures, one two ... and so on... beautiful work beautiful idea... I can feel they are dancing, so very strong expression!
    thank you for the theme - you´re right, it was MY theme :) While working for the challenge in my studio I felt so much love for all you d.c. participants who keep us going! Never stop dancing!
    x Stefanie

  26. this is pure beauty,
    my talented, beautiful friend!
    thank you for this theme,
    what a wonderful global
    hearted dance...
    love julia

  27. Very nice challenge. I only just discovered it thru my friend JoAnn from Joy Pure and Simple.

  28. dear patrice,
    happy 100th
    to you and all the participants!

    I just got the comment and so
    sorry that I missed such a
    wonderful drawing challenge,

    yours is so energetic!

  29. dear patrice,
    your dancing circle is really fantastic, and its wonderful how you show it in this post. great!!
    I'm a bit late, but you found my dance here: http://manoswelt.blogspot.de/2013/04/drawing-challenge-100-dance.html
    love, mano

  30. A wonderful post and a terrific challenge. I have so enjoyed visiting the entries for this one. Thank you.

  31. Beautiful. As a former dancer, I'm sorry I missed this one (but very glad for my much-needed vacation time). I hope to join in for the next.


