
drawing challenge: tree-house

years ago Love and I spend the night in here
and hereby I can dream away....  what a theme!

a few years ago a friend and I joined in a contest:
'who makes the best book of 2009?'
we made a picture-book for children about 
the boy Boele and his friend Snail
Boele would like to have such a fine house as Snail
and gets to work with boards, sticks and nails
but his house turns out too big and too heavy to carry
eventually he hoists the house with the help of Donkey in a tree
and no, we were not among the 25 lucky winners

pay a visit to Rachel for more tree-houses

drawing challenge: boomhut

jaren geleden hebben Lief en ik hierin overnacht
en hierbij kan ik wegdromen....  wat een thema!

een paar jaar geleden deed ik samen met een vriendin mee aan een prijsvraag:
'wie maakt het mooiste boek van 2009?'
we maakten een prentenboek voor kinderen over
het jongetje Boele en zijn vriend Slak
Boele wil graag net zo'n fijn huis als Slak heeft
en gaat aan de slag met planken, takken en spijkers
maar zijn huis wordt te groot en te zwaar om te dragen
uiteindelijk hijst hij het huis met de hulp van Ezel in een boom
en nee, we behoorden niet tot de 25 gelukkige winnaars

10 opmerkingen:

  1. a-ma-zing!
    i'm loving the concept, and the name. boele is such a sweet name!
    nice one, patrice.
    and huh-hoh!
    you're a winner to me!
    (ps - have ordered PHE sloopbehang monsters to do up a cupboard. am feeling an itch!)

  2. oh,
    i could dream
    such dreams in
    such a treehouse !

  3. I am just crazy for this little book!
    A tree house delight.
    I love little handmade books. Oh joy!

  4. Great book Patrice I like the use of mixed media with your images makes for a quirky style that is very intersting and engaging.

    The binding is interesting too!

    excellent Helen :)

  5. Patrice, this is a great book! I love the images and the story! Is the cover linen?
    Happy Sunday to you. x Carole

  6. My bookmaking-heart is beating fast,
    dearest Patrice!
    Your book is just great! Amazing!
    The story is philosophy as its best
    and the illustration heaven!

    With adoration

    PS. Don't worry. I'll be writing you behind the trees (the wooden one, äh, that one with roots :) I make a bunch of possibilities for your visit.
    We have schoolholidays... everyone needs my computer... so maybe a little bit later xox

  7. oh Patrice, i have a weak spot for picture books
    (and now a 17 months grandson who already loves 'reading' books, so i do have a good reason to buy them;))

    your book, well i love that cover, the mix of techniques and the story
    great work! xx

  8. what a beautiful book, what a wonderful treehouse!

  9. Hi Patrice, mooi hoor!
    Alle post is vervuld met vreugde en fijne dingen.
    Snap even niet " rain inside" bij jou....mijmeren?

    ** liefs Ingrid

  10. Patrice! This is awesome, awesome, awesome and completely wonderful. What a story. How creative is that book! Just dreamy and fun. Love this to bits. *smiles* Norma


