
drawing challenge: connection (II)

CONNECTION is the theme this week, chosen by Kristen of A Sunny Spot

this postcard is from 2006 and has since become my bookmark

Anton Corbijn photographed the hands of celebrities
of those photo's  eleven postcards were made to make
the number of 'SOS Telefonische Hulpdiensten' better known
a service available 24 hours a day all year round
accessible for people who need a familiar conversation or information

represented by an outstretched hand

and tomorrow i will shake hands with Sara!!
and connect

deze briefkaart komt uit 2006 en is sindsdien mijn boekenlegger

Anton Corbijn fotografeerde de handen van beroemdheden
van deze foto's werden elf kaarten gemaakt om het
telefoonnummer van SOS Telefonische Hulpdiensten bekender te maken
een dienst die 24 uur per dag het hele jaar door bereikbaar is
voor mensen die behoefte hebben aan een vertrouwd gesprek of informatie

uitgebeeld door een uitgestoken hand

en morgen geef ik Sara een hand!!
en maak verbinding

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Een prachtige foto, maar hij maakt sowieso mooi werk! Deze kon ik trouwens niet, ook niet de 11 kaarten, misschien omdat ik toen niet in Nederland was. En zo passend bij het gegeven dat je Sara's hand schud, ik ben ook fan van haar foto's! Heel mooi dit.

  2. What a fabulous bookmark you have, Patrice! SOS Telefonische Hulpdiensten is a brilliant idea! Great way for people to connect. Enjoy your handshaking/connecting with Sara. xo Carole

  3. Dearest Patrice,
    your bookmark looks great (know his pics of Depeche Mode, mmmmh; like the traces of usage by you). To hand a hand, open for contact, for connection.
    Oh, please give Sara many hugs from me!
    By the way: Do you remember your connection (I) two years ago? You have showed us a dance... Romeo Julia, choreographed by Ed Wubbe, performed by Scapino Rotterdam :-))
    What a connection! Love it!

    (Looking forward to May;-)
    Love xo xx Ariane.

  4. Hi Patrice. I felt so moved by that photo of that hand. I'm such a visual person. When I look at it I see a person who I instinctively want to hold; a person in pain in need of comfort. So lovely that you get to meet an on-line friend and actually touch her. I've had the opportunity once or twice. I keep hoping to meet everyone I know in person sooner or later. Hope you give her a big hug instead of a handshake. :)

  5. Oh, that photo makes me think so many things--whether or not the person is male or female, an athlete or slender for another reason, if that is an equal sign on the hand and what exactly that means, if there is significance to the bracelets or if they are just decoration. So evocative.

  6. Thank you for the information! Anton Corbijin´s works are wonderful and so is the postcard, xo Leena

  7. A lot of connections come through the hands- brilliant Patrice- and I've seem many of these photos of Anton- but had no name to place with them so thank you for that little connection right there ;)
    Hope you have a great week and thanks for playing!

  8. hand is such a wonderful symbol for connections!
    such a beautiful hand. I love well used cards! Lovely week to you ~

  9. Hi Patrice, I really like it, that you show as an example of connection. I had not thought of, and is something we do every day, shake our hands. Real connection.
    Good week for you!

  10. you found a wonderful example for connections, great picture !
    two years ago dc I showed hands too: http://manoswelt.blogspot.de/2012/03/drawing-challenge-connection.html
    my husband and me...
    love, mano

  11. krachtige foto, ja, corbijn is zo'n spot-on fotograaf...
    ik hou ook van het feit dat je foto zo versleten is, vult goed aan, vind ik.


