
drawing challenge: vase

in march 2009 i had a weblog for only a few months when i made this pictures
of my collection of small vases
now, five years later, my collection approximately is reduced by half

like Ariane, our sweet host this week, i have almost always flowers in the house
preferable large self-picked bunches, but that will have to wait
for the picking season starts around ascension day

in maart 2009 had ik pas een paar maanden een weblog toen ik deze foto's maakte
van mijn verzameling kleine vaasjes
nu, 5 jaar later, is mijn verzameling ongeveer gehalveerd

net als Ariane, onze host deze week, heb ik vrijwel altijd bloemen in huis
bij voorkeur grote zelfgeplukte bossen, maar dat moet nog even wachten
want het plukseizoen begint pas rond Hemelvaartsdag

12 opmerkingen:

  1. The shapes here are delightful ... I especially like the one in the top pic :)

  2. Those are some beautiful vases, Patrice! Lovely shapes and colours. What made you reduce their numbers? I hope you have a wonderful week. xo Carole

  3. I like the quite patience with which your vases wait for the flowers of spring.
    happy week!

  4. lovely soothing colors patrice. i like to collect vases too, mostly from second hand shops, giving them as a gift along with fresh picked flowers :)

  5. like tiny sweet soldiers of love, they sit friendly on your dresser, don't they? and the few dabs of colours adourning these just really illustrate your love of minimal exposure. like! n♥
    the tulip steals the show, by the way! but you already knew that... ;)))

    1. ben alweer terug... ;)))
      hier voor het volgende, patrice :

      ... to invite you to come and play next weekend, over at mine's.
      cheerio, and enjoy this week...

  6. Great collection, I love the last picture because of the green/blue vases, I like these colors a lot!

  7. wow What a collection Patrice! Such beautiful shapes- something I could stare at for a long time those vase shapes...I wonder what it is- soothing somehow.

  8. wonderful collection dear Patrice! I like that the all have a simplicity in shape and color together very reduced and strong with only one popping out! Great. My favorites are the turquoise ones.
    Have a nice week
    barbara bee

  9. Oh YES, would be so great if you could come in july - we will having a ball!

  10. i expected some wonderful photos here and i get them...perfect still lifes,
    i like the second one with the touches of red .

    ja het pluk seizoen, we kunnen alvast beginnen met wat bottende takken, er zit al een zweem roze in de magnolia, xx

  11. wat een mooie verzameling vaasjes, en de kleuren zijn zo mooi op elkaar afgestemd!
    nog even en dan zijn de bloempjes er weer :)


